Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Looking at the world from on top of Uluru

I really like this photo of Chad's feet. He climbed the magnificent sacred Rock bare foot! Here we are only 1/4 of the way up the steep climb to the top. You can see the car park down below and to the right is the chain which is a life saver, especially for me as I hang on to it. Never have I climbed anything so step in all my life.

Observing the magnificient sunset from the top of Uluru ( Ayres Rock) across to Kate Juta (previously known as the Olga's)

Amazing "air holes" are scattered all across the surface of Uluru, representing what appears like nostrils

It is certainly a very arduous climb to the top of Uluru and what a spiritual experience! At the very peak is what appears like a giant garbage bin...very Australian...painted red with a sun dial on the top showing the directions and distances of all the major cities in Australia from that location. Chad looks very wise perched on this monumental artifact.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Important Women in my life

and my wonderful friend Christine. We are standing in front of one of my murals

Here is Christa

my mate Julz

Chris, my great friend

Here is Cat from Wellington

Our lovely Kylie

  Jo, many years 

and there are many more to come...Just got to find their photos. Thank you ladies for being here in my life and for loving me as I love you. Living the dream